" Ζωγραφιζω εκεινο που δεν μπορει να φωτογραφηθει και φωτογραφιζω εκεινο που δεν επιθυμω να ζωγραφισω...Δεν με ενδιαφερει να γινομαι κατανοητος ως ζωγραφος, ως δημιουργος αντικειμενων ή ως φωτογραφος".... "Δεν ειμαι φωτογραφος της φυσης αλλα της φαντασιας μου ... θα προτιμουσα να φωτογραφισω μια ιδεα παρα ενα αντικειμενο κι ενα ονειρο παρα μια ιδεα" Man Ray (1890-1976)

" Δεν ενδιαφερει να αποδωσει κανεις το ορατο, αλλα να κανει ορατο οτι δεν ειναι" Paul Klee (1879-1940)


MIA Milan Image Art Fair May 13-15, 2011( Διεθνη εκθεση εικονας ) II

L'ora sospesa, 2006
vintage print, cm.112x110, ed.3
Courtesy Sabrina Raffaghello Arte Contemporanea, Alessandria

Silvio Canini
Costellazioni, 2009
Stampa Giclèe su carta Hahnemühle Bright White, cm. 100x100.
Courtesy dell'artista

-Timothy Greenfield-Sanders

Alessandro Vicario
Koenig Stuhl (Sassnitz), 01/10/2009, ore 16.27, dalla serie 'Orizzonti'
stampa inkjet con inchiostri a pigmento, dittico cm.60x60 cad, ed.1/4
Courtesy dell'artista

Daniel Canogar
Vortex 1, 2010
pigment print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308 gsm, cm 110 x 200,ed. 2/3
Courtesy dell'artista e Galleria Mimmo Scognamiglio, Milano

Davide Bramante
 'My own rave' Pechino (Diu Xiu Shan), 2007     Tecnica delle doppie e più esposizioni realizzate in fase di ripresa non digitali, cm 70X100, Ed. 5 esemplari Courtesy dell'artista e galleria La Veronica, Modica

Fabio Sandri
Autoritratto di tempi lunghi, Positivo n. 24
(stampa a contatto da negativo di cm 138 x 127), 2011
Courtesy Artericambi, Verona

Giorgio Majno, Edvige Ripa
A&US #2, 2011, dalla serie 'Animals&Us'
Stampa, pigmented fine art Giclée 33x50, edizione 10 esemplari
Courtesy Galleria Blanchaert, Milano

Giovanni Chiaramonte
Senza titolo, 2006 dalla serie 'Come un Enigma'
stampa c-print da negativo 6x12, cm.50x100 ed. 9 esemplari
Bugno Artgallery, Venezia

Giovanni Ozzola
Watching a door, where everything seemes to be changed into light, 2011
Courtesy dell'artista e galleria Continua, San Gimignano

Luigi Billi
Ali', 2009
tecnica mista su fotografia plastificata, cm.110x70, monotipo
Courtesy dell'artista e SpazioFarini6, Milano


MIA Milan Image Art Fair May 13-15, 2011( Διεθνη εκθεση εικονας )

"Shoe and Eiffel Tower D", Paris, 1974
stampa ai pigmenti, 84x118,8 cm
courtesy Photographica Fine Art Gallery, Lugano

MIA Milan Image Art Fair
Curated by Fabio Castelli
1st edition
May 13-15, 2011
Milan | Superstudio Più | Via Tortona 27 Milan
Preview on invitation only Thursday, 12 May, 6 pm - 10 pm
Opening Friday 13 May and Saturday 14 May, 11 am - 10 pm; Sunday 15 May, 11 am - 8 pm
Website www.miafair.it
Main Sponsor Luigi Lavazza S.p.A. / Ferrarelle S.p.A.
Milan | Superstudio Più
Via Tortona 27,  Milano
info@miafair.it    http://www.miafair.it

"Curlandia", 2008
stampa lambda, 100x80 cm
courtesy Studio d’arte Cannaviello, Milano

MIA Milan Image Art Fair
Conceived from an idea put forth by the art collector Fabio Castelli, MIA Milan Image Art Fair is is the first art fair in Italy devoted exclusively to the world of photography and video art.
MIA distinguishes itself from any traditional Italian art fair in its innovative concept:

“Tentation mystique”, 2009
archival digital print / Hahnemühle Smooth 40x40 cm, edition 8
courtesy of the artist and galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris

Each booth one artist: MIA Fair is a large exhibition comprised of solo-shows of Italian and international fine art photographers and video artists. Each exhibitor will present the works of one artist offering the viewer a comprehensive and engaging journey in the project research of each photographer;
Each artist one personal catalogue: the catalogue of the exhibition is no longer the typical summary volume with listings of the artists and the exhibitors, but each exhibitor will offer a personal brochure, published by MIA, with images and an essay on the artist on view. In this way, the visitors will be able to assemble a personalized self-made book that will expand over the course of the fair visit by collecting brochures of their favorite artists. MlA will house, in an extension of 8,000 sq. mt., more than 200 exhibitors, among art galleries, artists, photo labs, publishing houses, foundations, archives and specialized schools. MIA Fair plans to become a catalyst and an indispensable event where all the players and actors -- artists/photographers, curators, art dealers, collectors, publishers, critics and the press -- in the world of photography can meet, discuss and exchange ideas. Still MIA Fair is not for professionals only but also for art enthusiasts and fans of photography and video.
The high quality of the fair is guaranteed by a careful selection of the exhibitors carried out by a scientific committee chaired by the creator Fabio Castelli and comprised of Gigliola Foschi, curator and journalist; Elio Grazioli, contemporary art critic and curator; Roberto Mutti, curator and photography critic; Enrica Viganò, curator, critic, photography event organizer and founder of 3/3 studio which focuses on the development of photographic projects and publications.
A program of workshops and round tables involving a panel of experts will be offered. Topics will range from the history of imaging to the art-collectors market system and will also feature expositive and curatorial experiences and lectures given by masters of contemporary photography.

From "Faces" serie, Hamburg, 2010
Inkjet print
110x140 cm, editions of 10 + 2 ap
courtesy: Nunzio Battaglia and Arscolor, Milan
“Jossie, from Full Beauty series”, 2010
inkjet print on Hahnemulle
82 x 82 cm, ed.7 esemplari
courtesy of the artist and Wave Photogallery, Brescia


"Contaminazioni", 2010
courtesy Maurer Zilioli, Brescia

υστ.  Μια υποδειγματικης οργανωσης διεθνη εκθεση εικονας/φωτογραφιας στο Μιλανο.
Να ελπισουμε οτι οι αντιστοιχοι ελληνες επιμελητες να παρουν καποια μαθηματα και απο την συγχρονη οργανωση αλλα και απο το συνολο των τοσο πολλων διαφορετικων δημιουργικων αποψεων που περιλαμβανει αυτη η εκθεση  (που επελεξε αριστα ο επιμελητης Fabio Castelli ). Μερος αυτης της συγχρονης καταγραφης δειχνει ποσο πολυ εχει προχωρησει η "διαφορετικου τυπου" δημιουργικη εκφραση στην παγκοσμια εικαστικη πραγματικοτητα και ποσο πισω συνεχιζει να παραμενει η κυριαρχη προταση των εκαστοτε ελληνων επιμελητων. Καταπληκτικη ιδεα η εκδοση του ατομικου λευκωματος του καθε δημιουργου. Και στην Ελλαδα ομως, καποιοι ελαχιστοι ετσι και αλλιως, το θεωρουμε απαραιτητο δομικο στοιχειο οποιαδηποτε εκθεσης . Μ.Κ.

Torstr. 218 | 10115 Berlin | Editor: Claudia Stein
contact@photography-now.com | T +49.30.24 34 27 80