" Ζωγραφιζω εκεινο που δεν μπορει να φωτογραφηθει και φωτογραφιζω εκεινο που δεν επιθυμω να ζωγραφισω...Δεν με ενδιαφερει να γινομαι κατανοητος ως ζωγραφος, ως δημιουργος αντικειμενων ή ως φωτογραφος".... "Δεν ειμαι φωτογραφος της φυσης αλλα της φαντασιας μου ... θα προτιμουσα να φωτογραφισω μια ιδεα παρα ενα αντικειμενο κι ενα ονειρο παρα μια ιδεα" Man Ray (1890-1976)

" Δεν ενδιαφερει να αποδωσει κανεις το ορατο, αλλα να κανει ορατο οτι δεν ειναι" Paul Klee (1879-1940)


Christina Z. Anderson.The Experimental Photography Workbook, 6th edition

The Experimental Photography Workbook,
6th edition, is a completely revised and updated version, professionally published, now with full-color images from over 100 photographers illustrating all processes. Inside you will find succinct how-to’s on photograms, clichés-verres, lumenprints, chemigrams, photo-chemigrams, collage, photomontage, photo transfers, pinhole, zoneplate, holga, paper negatives, sabattier, chromoskedasic printing, painting with light, lith printing, liquid emulsion, modern tintype, mordançage, dye mordanting, bleachout, toning, applied color, abrasion tone, bromoil, encaustic, distressing film, etc. The Workbook is the perfect “short & sweet” manual to put play back into the analog black & white darkroom, and will be a perfect impetus to increased creativity for students and professionals alike. What’s in it for me?

Table of contents
Preface to the 6th Edition
Supply List
Section 1: (Mostly) Camera-less Experimentation
Chapter 1 Photograms and Clichés-Verre
Chapter 2 Lumenprints
Chapter 3 Collage and Photomontage
Chapter 4 Photo Transfers
Section 2: Camera and Film Experimentation
Chapter 5 Pinhole and Zoneplate
Pinhole Exposure Tables
Chapter 6 The Holga
Chapter 7 In-Camera Tips
After Dark Chart
Chapter 8 Film Experimentation
Chapter 9 Paper Negatives
Section 3: Darkroom Experimentation
Chapter 10 Sabattier/alias Solarization
Chapter 11 Lith Printing
Chapter 12 Liquid Emulsion
Chapter 13 Modern Tintype
Chapter 14 Miscellaneous Darkroom Techniques
Section 4: Colorful Monochrome
Chapter 15 The Chemigram
Chapter 16 The Photo + Chemigram
Chapter 17 Toning, Traditional & Experimental
Chapter 18 Abrasion Tone
Chapter 19 Applied Color
Chapter 20 Dye Mordanting
Section 5: Finished Print Experimentation
Chapter 21 Mordançage
Chapter 22 Bleaching and Bleachout
Chapter 23 Bromoil
Chapter 24 Encaustic
Time/Temperature Chart
F-Stop Printing Chart
Print Exposure Change Table
Chemical Weights (g to tsp)
Conversion Table, Quick and Easy
Units of Measurement
Sample Syllabus
Sources for Supplies
Recommended Reading
260 pages with 276 photographs
ISBN no: 978-0-9846816-0-0 Published by Z Photo Press 2012
English Softcover: 8.5 x 10.75 x .53 inches

About Christina
Christina Z. Anderson is Assistant Professor of Photography and Photo Option Coordinator at Montana State University, Bozeman, where she specializes in alternative and experimental process photography. She has authored three books: Tutti Nudi, Reflections on the Reemergence of the Nude during the Italian Renaissance, The Experimental Photography Workbook, and Alternative Processes, Condensed. In the works is a comprehensive book on the history and practice of gum printing. Anderson’s alternative process works have been published in The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes, 2nd Edition, Photographic Possibilities, 3rd Edition, PhotoTechnique Magazine, the British Journal of Photography, and Silvershotz and exhibited in over 65 shows in 22 states as well as Puerto Rico, China, Belgium, England, and New Zealand.
Her web address is http://christinazanderson.com

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