" Ζωγραφιζω εκεινο που δεν μπορει να φωτογραφηθει και φωτογραφιζω εκεινο που δεν επιθυμω να ζωγραφισω...Δεν με ενδιαφερει να γινομαι κατανοητος ως ζωγραφος, ως δημιουργος αντικειμενων ή ως φωτογραφος".... "Δεν ειμαι φωτογραφος της φυσης αλλα της φαντασιας μου ... θα προτιμουσα να φωτογραφισω μια ιδεα παρα ενα αντικειμενο κι ενα ονειρο παρα μια ιδεα" Man Ray (1890-1976)

" Δεν ενδιαφερει να αποδωσει κανεις το ορατο, αλλα να κανει ορατο οτι δεν ειναι" Paul Klee (1879-1940)


Alvin Booth, Come to Your Senses

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Alvin Booth
Come to Your Senses
© Alvin Booth

November 14, 2013 – January 11, 2014
 acte2galerie   41 rue d'Artois . 75008 Paris
acte2galerie@orange.fr     www.acte2galerie.com   
Mon-Fri 10am-7pm . Sat 1-6pm    
Galerie ACTE 2   

© Alvin Booth 

© Alvin Booth
 Come to Your Senses
 When asked in an early interview about the photographers who had influenced him the most, Booth listed three sculptors: Rodin, Aristide Maillol, and Gaston Lachaise. As a photographer, Booth finds his focus through the body, a constant that is apparent in his directional shift from photography to sculpture. 
While still a raw celebration of the human form at its vital peak,the current work of Come To Your Senses  introduces a simmering suggestion of loss. In hyperbolic huddles of ears, noses, fingers, and lips, Booth finds humor in the disconnect between the realistic divorced from the real, the essential divorced from its molded replica. Booth’s expired hearing aid batteries form bold multiplicities that speak to the singularly human capacity for invention and adaptation. No longer external components furtively inserted into the body to shore up a diminished sensory capacity, the silvery studs become an idealized female nude. Their collective imperfection transcends limitation for as long as the eye can maintain its unblinking gaze.
 Come To Your Senses  also includes a large collection of spongy silicone, glowing fingers that beckon from their metal frame. Booth’s own scarred thumb, nearly severed in a recent accident, appears several times. In celebrating beginnings and acknowledging endings, Booth’s wry commentary notes the escalation of desire that accompanies the risk of life lived long.

Ziegelstr. 29 . D–10117 Berlin
Editor: Claudia Stein & Michael Steinke

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